Volunteer in India! インドでのボランティア!

During the 2016-17 New Year Holiday, Jay and Melinda traveled to India to work at and check out a volunteer project in the State of Rajasthan, in Northwest India. Jay’s cousin has volunteered for 3 months every year for the past 9 years and Rainbow has been sponsoring the project since Jay first visited there in 2010. Jay and Melinda visited the project for 12 days as part of a larger tour around Northern India.


The project is called STEP (Social Tourism Empowers People) and was started by two brothers, Gaurav Bansal and Ravi Kumar, and Ravi’s wife Neeha. They are all in their early-30s and left good-paying jobs in other parts of the country to help poor people in some rural communities near their hometown. The project is based in the town of BEDLA, which is near the beautiful city of UDAIPUR in southern Rajasthan.

The project receives donations through a variety of fundraising activities, but it is mainly supported by volunteer donations. Volunteers pay for the experience of living and working on the project and the money they pay is used to fund it. The main activities of the volunteers are teaching, so they are also encouraged to bring some materials and supplies to help the project when they come.



このプロジェクトはSTEP (Social Tourism Empowers People) と呼ばれ、Gaurav BansalとRavi Kumarの二人の兄弟とRaviの奥さんNeehaで立ち上げられました。彼らはまだ30代前半で、故郷の近くの町で貧困に苦しむ人たちを助けるために、高収入の職を去りました。プロジェクトは、南Rajasthan州に位置するUdaipurという美しい町の近くのBedlaをベースにしています。



The Living and Working Situation

It is a very safe and well-supervised living and working situation, so volunteers don’t need to be experienced teachers – they only need to be enthusiastic and friendly and can be of any age. While most of the volunteers are young, some have been older couples and even retirees. Volunteers stay in a clean, secure building in the town of Bedla. There are 6 bedrooms with four beds each, so up to 24 volunteers can stay at one time, and most bedrooms have their own toilet and shower. The building has 3 floors, with 3 bedrooms, a kitchen and dining room on the second floor, and 3 bedrooms, a living room and an office and working area on the third floor. There is a TV room with dvd movies, and many books to read and trade. The building is gated and the doors are locked at night, so it is secure.

Volunteers can join for periods from less than 2 weeks to many months, depending on their own schedules. They mainly teach, but also assist with community projects like painting/remodeling schools, assisting with vaccination programs and helping with community development projects like teaching good hygene to children and skills-training for local women. There are also programs to help local street children, orphans and even an injured animal shelter assistant program. The center in Bedla is about halfway between the city of Udaipur and the 2 main rural project villages, which are in the hills North and East of Udaipur. It is also very close to the orphanages and the animal shelter in Bedla.



A typical day for a volunteer is as follows
08:30ーbreakfast 朝食
09:30ーtransport to village school and teaching, or to animal shelter
12:00ーtransport back to volunteer centre
3:00ーlunch 昼食
 After lunch, the afternoon is usually free for cultural seminars (yoga, Indian cooking, henna tattooing, etc), or for traveling to Udaipur for shopping or sightseeing.
16:00 ー travel to orphanage, or to street children residence for teaching
17:00ー back to volunteer centre
17:30 ー chai tea time チャイティータイム
19:00 ー dinner 夕食
20:00 ー lesson planning レッスン計画
21:00 ーfree time (watch Bollywood movies in the TV room, etc.
23:00ー bed time 就寝


2016-17 New Year Holiday

2018-19 New Year Holiday


Afternoons, most evening and weekends are free for volunteers to explore the area, go shopping, sightseeing or try the various workshops. These are included in the price volunteers pay to the project. Longer, farther excursions to castles, temples, safaris, etc., can easily be arranged and cost a bit more. The local staff can also help with private travel arrangements in and around India, if requested.

Volunteering at STEP is a rewarding, educational and exciting experience in a beautiful and historic part of India. The area is exotic and the people are warm and very friendly. Jay and Melinda, and our staff, as well as some of our students, will be making periodic trips to the project in the near future. If you have an interest in participating with us, simply ask Jay or Melinda and we will give you all the information you need.

2016-17 New Year Holiday


Click below to go to the STEP website.

Volunteer in India!
